Sunday, June 28, 2009

Do people actually read this?

With all the millions of people who are now a part of the blogosphere (and vlogosphere... is that even a word in our twenty-first century jargon?), do all of the blogs even get read?
I'm curious as to if anyone reads this...

Monday, March 16, 2009

AIG Bailout Fail.

In the tone of SNL's Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers' Weekend Update: REALLY?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

music blogger, anonymous

... I'm the 632874th person out there to call him/herself* a "music blogger." Sike, I'm not. I'm just procrastinating and going through my new music collection.

My Recently Added play list on iTunes is as follows:
  • "Jimmy Choos" by Chester French (DISCLAIMER: I hate when people say this BUT I've been interested in Chester French for a good year now & have been listening to them on MySpace for eons, considering they JUST released a CD on iTunes. I have a feeling they are about to become one of the bigger, more popular indie artists - they're opening for Lady GaGa, so you know they will - and just wanted to express my love for them before everyone else :] )
  • "Homeward Bound" by Ben Kweller. Seeing him tomorrow night! I'm super excited, even though his new album is a tad bit too Americana for me, I thought it was necessary to know at least one of his new songs.
  • half of the Ting-Tings CD (I've had the other half for a while); from Magdalen because I'm going with her to see them in concert in March! (Also super excited)
  • Daniel Martin Moore. I LOVE HIM. Most of his songs are mainly acoustic guitar with his sweet (in multiple senses of the word) melodies and they are perfect movie soundtrack material for that sweet scene on a beach with soft lighting. It's only a matter of time...
  • Taylor Swift CD. I would marry her if our laws allowed it....

*in most cases, "their" is grammatically incorrect. Him/her is clunky & obnoxious but also correct. (Incorrect grammar happens to be one of my biggest pet peeves...)

Friday, February 20, 2009


I figured it was probably about time to make a blog.

Not that anyone will read it... just another procrastination tool :) Plus I feel, as a member of whatever generation I am, it's practically my social responsibility to share my mundane thoughts with ... cyberspace?

I've done xanga (oh, seventh grade), Myspace (eighth), Facebook (ninth to future...), Twitter (extra recent), and now a blog. woooot.

ALSO I'd really appreciate it if people stopped talking about college. I'm inordinately excited (high school is obnoxious) but everyone's (okay, a couple people in particular) becoming competitive and bragging about what they're doing to boost themselves, where they're applying and WHY.